Melange Yarn Development

This video is having educational information based on industrial working practice. The purpose of this video is to help students and mill professionals to be work in spinning mills and to understand about how to develop the melange yarn. It gives idea about the process of melange yarn development; sampling & bulk production, types of melange yarn and also covers the functional area of raw material department, dye-house, marketing, PPC, quality department as well as dispatch team.

Beginner 0(0 Ratings) 1 Students enrolled
Created by NITRA Ghaziabad Last updated Sat, 19-Mar-2022 English
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1 Lessons 00:59:47 Hours
1 Lessons 00:59:47 Hours
  • Melange Yarn Development 00:59:47
  • Students of B.E./B. Tech in Textile Technology/Textile Chemistry/Textile Design
  • Students of Diploma in Textile Technology/Textile Chemistry/Textile Design
  • Professionals working in spinning mills having 1-2 year of experience
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The video is designed in such a manner so that it covers all related information about the melange yarn development and learner can easily understand the complete procedure. This program contains following areas: order taken by the marketing team, plan by the PPC team, fiber arrange by Raw material godown team, development by the development team, dyeing of required fiber by dye-house, matching the lab-dip, sampling as per buyer, & bulk Melange yarn Production by the operational team, quality checked by the quality team, and final yarn dispatched by the dispatch team. This program also gives information about the various types of melange yarn & its manufacturing procedure. This program includes the benefits of melange yarn as well as discussed on precautions during the melange yarn developments.

This training program helps to understand the manufacturer need different kind of preparations for making a melange yarn. It helps to understand the role of different department done, like raw material godown, dye house, development, production operational department, quality department, marketing, PPC & dispatch department   etc. This video helps to learner the functional correlations between all departments and they helps each other with highly effective environment. It gives the idea about a mill work from order taking to sampling then yarn manufacturing up to dispatch procedure. It includes factors affecting the process & helps to understand much kind of precautions must be taken during melange yarn developments as well as in complete yarn manufacturing procedure.

Lalit Giri Goswami

Sr. Scientific Officer

On completion of my college education, in 2011, I got selected through campus as a TGT in Gujrat Ambuja Export Ltd. in Gujrat which is a spinning mill.  I worked hard and learnt the concept of industrial environment and also absorbed their work culture. During that period I got designated as Sr. Shift Officer.

In 2014 I joined Pratibha Syntex M.P, a composite mill in the business of producing yarn to fabric by using gray and melange yarn. Here I got rich experience in melange yarn. I joined Pratibha as Sr. Supervisor whilst got promoted as Executive for melange unit.

In 2017, I joined Sintex Industries Ltd. in Gujrat as a Sr. Executive. I gathered machine erection and commissioning knowledge. After commissioning of machines our team achieved target production within six month. In that period I got promoted as Asst. Manager Post.

Then I joined Technocraft Industries Ltd. Yarn Division in Kalian, Mumbai In 2019. I joined as an Asst. Manager and our project was to convert Grey yarn manufacturing process into Melange Yarn manufacturing process. There I faced several challenges regarding optimization of the process and had to train process to the floor level worker’s and shift officers. I also handled other things like controlling the process, increasing the production, checking the quality of product, connecting with development and forwarding the sampling. I conducted meetings to impart the knowledge of yarn as well as fabric amongst the ground level operators.

Presently I am associated with NITRA as a Sr. Scientific officer since 2021 in Mechanical Processing Division for spinning consultancy. The company provides technical support to textile mills in terms of productivity audit, quality audit, machine & maintenance audit, manpower audit etc.

Education & qualification:

•B.E. in Textile Technology from S.V.I.T.S. Indore, in 2011

•Higher Secondary from S.V.M.H.S.SCHOOL, M.P. Board in 2007

•High School from S.V.M.H.S.SCHOOL, M.P. Board in 2005

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